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Displaying 7 entries.
Bill Peter's Custom Pronto
Added by Bill Peters | 2001 | 9,118 views
This is my 6th iteration, but my 1st submission. This is an activity based, wife-enabled, CCF. While most of the buttons are not the same as those found on this site, I must give credit to all the wonderful ideas and ccf files posted here -- I borrowed from those extensively. The design puts my most used buttons in the lower left & right corners of the panels. The movie list I have included (the design was borrowed from the Super NudeList) is for infomation only -- not functional.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Pioneer BA-6300 Cable Box
Added by Bill Peters | 2001 | 9,118 views
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Pioneer DV-333 DVD Player
Added by Bill Peters | 2001 | 9,118 views
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Pioneer Elite PRO-510HD Television
Added by Bill Peters | 2001 | 9,118 views
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Sony CCD-TRV65 Camcorder
Added by Bill Peters | 2001 | 9,118 views
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Added by Bill Peters | 2001 | 9,118 views
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Yamaha RX-V995 Receiver
Added by Bill Peters | 2001 | 9,118 views
Operated by model RAV190 original remote control.
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890

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