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User Name Search Results
Displaying 4 entries.
Ryan Berg's System Layout
Added by Ryan Berg | 2004 | 6,257 views
A complete system RCC setup for the following components.
Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000
Sony DVP-CX875P DVD Player
Added by Ryan Berg | 2004 | 6,257 views
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.
Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000
Sony SVR-2000 Digital Video Recorder
Added by Ryan Berg | 2004 | 6,257 views
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.
Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000
Yamaha RX-V992 Receiver
Added by Ryan Berg | 2004 | 6,257 views
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.
Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000

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