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Displaying 5 entries.
Bob Held's Tabbed NCF
Added by Bob Held | 2002 | 3,718 views
Extensive use of tabs to provide multiple pages within devices. If your device is not directly supported you may at least find this handy to review for technique/style when designing your own system. "Browse back" capability is used to move between devices. See the shutdown menu for a GREAT .bmp that displays when system is shutting down!
Designed for:
Philips ProntoNEO TSU500 & RU930
Marantz DV7010 DVD Player
Added by Bob Held | 2002 | 2,056 views
Discrete on/off plus all other functions from the factory remote.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoNEO TSU500 & RU930
Marantz SR7000 Receiver
Added by Bob Held | 2002 | 3,082 views
Marantz receiver. Codes for discrete on/off, input, surround modes just about everything you need. Should work for most SR series receivers.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoNEO TSU500 & RU930
Sony KP-51HW40 RP Television
Added by Bob Held | 2002 | 1,877 views
Discrete on/off and input selection codes along with all other functions.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoNEO TSU500 & RU930
Zenith DTV1080 DSS Receiver
Added by Bob Held | 2002 | 1,941 views
All the learned codes you need from the factory remote. The DTV1080 is tricky to learn on the Neo, so this should save you some time. Note: it does not support discrete on/off codes. Per an email I received from a Sr. Product Manager at Zenith they are looking at providing discrete capability as an upgrade.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoNEO TSU500 & RU930

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