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Epson EMP-TW100 Projector
Added by David Bringer | 2006 | 2,676 views
A single page layout of all original remote buttons.
Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000
X-10 IR543AH Lighting
Added by David Bringer | 2006 | 2,877 views
Simple page with all 16 house and device codes. Works just like the old 6-in-1 remote: 1) Press the desired house code; 2) Press the desired device number; 3) Press the desired function (On, Off, Dim, etc.). Once steps 1 and 2 are done, you can just press the function buttons to continue controlling that same device, until a different house code/device is selected. From here, the individual X10 codes can be lifted and used within a macro to tie the desired function to a single soft button.
Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000

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