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Emotiva UMC-1 Preamplifier
Added by Rick Wise | 2010 | 3,709 views
All released discrete codes for the UMC-1 processor.

UMC-1 part1.mxd - 4 full pages of discrete codes.
UMC-1 part2.mxd - a few additional discrete codes.
UMC-1 Zone2.mxd - Zone 2 discrete codes.
Designed for:
URC Home Theater Master MX-700
Samsung HL67A750 Television
Added by Rick Wise | 2009 | 3,654 views
Operated by model BN59-00673A original remote control.
Updated file with discreet Power On / Off on page 4. Discrete codes for HDMI 1, 2, and 3. Also includes discrete codes for most other inputs.
Designed for:
URC Home Theater Master MX-700

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