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In this section: Time-saving layout files that can be easily incorporated or modified into your existing system designs.

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Design Elements
Displaying entries 1 through 10, of 13 available.
FreddieFreeloader's DirecTV Channel Macros
Added by FreddieFreeloader | 2010 | 6,144 views
Starting with Darnitol's available icons, I assigned channel number macros beginning with an "exit" press, universal delays, and "enter." The few colored buttons with plain text can easily be replaced once additional icons become available.
Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-980
Lee's Page Transition
Added by Lee Kropp | 2008 | 3,643 views
This is a page transition that I put together using Paint Shop Pro. Upon touching the screen it will change into another screen. I have four pages that morph into another. This took about 30 minutes to put together.
Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000
J.Todd's Graphics Demo
Added by J.Todd Scott | 2007 | 4,216 views
This is a file with no IR codes but it shows you what can be done with the MX-3000. This file is some serious graphics. If you have any question please E-mail me. To see what this file really looks like you must open it and run the MX-3000 emulator.
Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000
Lee Crop's Keyboard
Added by Lee Kropp | 2006 | 2,801 views
A large keyboard for the MX-3000.
Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000
Philip Tyrrell's Post-It TV
Added by Philip Tyrrell | 2006 | 2,311 views
This is just a fun TV device I have set up using a Post-Its motif. The device is set for a Panasonic TH42PE30B TV.
Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000
Vision 21's Pin Code
Added by Vision 21 | 2006 | 2,654 views
I programmed this for a client and thought some of you may find it usefull. Basically this small modification allows you to assign a 4 digit passcode to your MX-3000. Every time you press the "Main" hard button it will take you back to the logon screen where you punch your 4 digit code to access the remote control. The passcode on this file is set to "2255". Includes sounds and advises of wrong code after a wrong code is entered. The passcode can be changed by simply modifying the button properties in the "a" page of "Main" and pages "b,c & d" of the device "Access" - You can also reconfigure the last button (in page "d") of the code sequence to jump you elsewhere besides the main page (move page "a" elsewhere and unhide "page1" of "Main") and thus creating only an area of the remote to be pin coded - this will allow for some rated R programming for instance. If you need assistance getting this to do what you want, you may email me and I will assist.
Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000
K3VO's Tic Tac Toe Game
Added by K3VO | 2005 | 4,013 views
Works with variables and transparent gifs. Use the "Import" fuction to add to your own layout. Last player before reset plays second.
Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000
Lee's Device Templates
Added by Lee Kropp | 2005 | 4,010 views
A collection of ready-to-use device templates - just drop in IR codes! Includes CD, Dish, DVD, Main, Receiver, Sirius, Tuner, TV & VCR.
Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000
Bugs Must Die!
Added by Lee Kropp | 2005 | 3,202 views
An animation I put together to pass the time on a long macro.
Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000
Lee's Buttons & Backgrounds
Added by Lee Kropp | 2005 | 3,929 views
Numerous button and background layouts, along with channel logos. Perfect for anyone getting started with the MX-3000!
Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000
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