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Denon AVR-3300 Receiver
Device Configuration/Code File
Added by Craig Henrikson | 2002
This device file was built from the HTM preprogrammed one, which is limited and contains commands not applicable to the AVR-3300 as well as commands of little use. This file contains a number of learned codes, so you may wish to hide a couple of the pages if you are concerned about users resetting various parameters.

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December 15, 2002
4kb, 61 downloads
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Comment by bboydens on Tuesday October 1, 2013 at 16:21
Craig, how do you read this file ? it is in an "MXD format". I'm trying to find a CCF file (none of those found on remotecentral worked for me; raj's jan05.ccf, Ralph Erps' CCF file) Was hoping yours would help me ....

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