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CCF Panels
Added by Jeroen Sonnemans | 1999 | 5,424 views
AKA IR Panels. A simple tool that can be helpful when using ProntoUtil to generate several codes to test. Select all the codes you generated in ProntoUtil and drag/drop (or copy/paste) them in the IR Codes TextBox in the CCF Panels app. Select Generate CCF and a file called "IRCodesCreate.CCF" will be generated. This file should hold all the IR codes you created with ProntoUtil. A few bugs may remain.
Designed for:
All Philips Pronto Models
Added by Geoffrey Reynolds | 2000 | 4,491 views
v1.2 A utility for generating clean Pronto codes given information about the format of the codes. Complete source code is included for those who want to improve it on their own. To use the program, make sure the prontoutil.ini file is in your "Window" directory.
Designed for:
All Philips Pronto Models
ProntoUtil Mod
Added by Wayne Fox | 2002 | 3,329 views
Modified v1.2 This version optionally writes out a .CSF file of all the codes generated for a device code.
Designed for:
All Philips Pronto Models

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