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User Name Search Results for djy
Displaying entries 11 through 20, of 242 available.
Chunghop 302sp
Added by djy | 2011 | 6,279 views
Chunghop 302sp universal TV remote control. Scanned copy of the original manual and codes in PDF format.
Chunghop 308A
Added by djy | 2011 | 6,777 views
Chunghop 308A universal TV remote control. Scanned copy of the original manual and codes in PDF format.
Chunghop 308sp
Added by djy | 2011 | 7,764 views
Chunghop 308sp universal TV remote control. Scanned copy of the original manual and codes in PDF format.
Chunghop 3D
Added by djy | 2011 | 6,048 views
Chunghop 3D 3-in-1 universal remote control. Scanned copy of the original manual and codes in PDF format.
Chunghop A1
Added by djy | 2011 | 6,582 views
Chunghop A1 universal TV remote control. Scanned copy of the original manual and codes in PDF format.
Chunghop CATV-01
Added by djy | 2011 | 4,210 views
Chunghop CATV-01 2-in-1 universal remote control. Scanned copy of the original manual and codes in PDF format.
Chunghop 3-Digit Codes Collection
Added by djy | 2011 | 301,647 views
This is a collection of 3-digit code lists for use with various Chunghop preprogrammed remote controls. A total of 8 different 3-digit code groups are available.
Chunghop 4-Digit Codes Collection
Added by djy | 2011 | 45,825 views
This is a collection of 4-digit code lists for use with various Chunghop preprogrammed remote controls. A total of 5 different 4-digit code groups are available.
Chunghop Codes Cross-Reference
Added by djy | 2011 | 53,812 views
An Excel spreadsheet cross-referencing which 3 or 4-digit code group goes with which model Chunghop universal remote control.
Chunghop E202
Added by djy | 2011 | 12,516 views
Chunghop E202 SAT/TV universal remote control. Scanned copy of the original manual and codes in PDF format.
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