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Contest Entry #13: ...And The Kitchen Sink
Added by Andrew Logie | 2005 | 2,966 views
Second Place Winner!
If someone asked you what you wanted in the perfect remote control design for your Universal MX-3000, what would you ask for? How about a remote so intuitive that the babysitter or even your good old grandmother could use it? Wait a minute though, maybe you dont want to sacrifice any control for your state of the art equipment. Of course you would want the coolest looking graphics and buttons that aren't intimidating right? How about some animations you had never seen before (besides the bazillion dollar touchscreen on cribs) or even sounds that actually serve a purpose like keypad buttons that actually tell you what you're pushing while you watch the monitor. What about going a step further and have a pleasant female voice tell you which favorites you've selected by saying the name of the channel? Dont forget the little details. Would you want a remote that didn't have a bunch of tiny buttons that you cant press without the stylus from your PDA?

Wow! That seems like a lot to ask for in a single configuration right? Not any more, this is the perfect remote control configuration for you. Who knows, you may even get the wife... (more)
Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000

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