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Aura Contest Entry Update
Added by Noel Blackman | 2008 | 6,962 views
An update to my Pronto Professional contest entry with changes made to the buttons transparency so they work correctly. The buttons worked perfect in the emulator, but not on the actual remote as 100% transparent areas are ignored. This caused 90%+ of the buttons in Aura to not respond. All have been fixed and tested to work perfectly. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9600
Contest Entry # 5: Black & Blue
Added by Noel Blackman | 2005 | 4,723 views
Second Place Winner!
This template was specifically designed to be easy to use while keeping an intuitive, easy to understand layout. The most common functions are on the main page and the template will walk you to the next step. The design can be easily reconfigured to suit just about anyone's equipment.

It also features a battery meter on every source page with charging confirmation and shortcuts to the most commonly used pages for each device. All device pages have a direct shortcut to the source select page, this keeps almost every page only two button pushes away.

If you have a first generation MX3000 with 32MB of memory, there should be plenty of memory space on the remote for Bracken's DMX3000 (DVD changer software) and over 400 DVD covers.
Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000
Contest Entry #04: Simplify
Added by Noel Blackman | 2007 | 4,337 views
FIFTH RUNNER UP! Most small systems consist of only a few devices like a receiver, cable/sat box, DVD player, CD Changer and a video game system. There are included pages for lighting control, audio, and video adjustments as well. You can quickly program this template for your own system or for one of your customers and is self explanatory using activity buttons that are highlighted on each source page so you will always know where you are.

By placing the activity buttons on every page, this design takes advantage of systems that may not include an RF base. If you choose an activity and the IR command didn't get to the device, you can simply choose the activity a second time without having to back to the home page and select the button again. This design is very customer friendly and was intentionally designed to have less buttons on the source control pages by using the only the most commonly used commands for each device. There are additional sized buttons to copy and paste in case you need to include more functions or change a device page.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9600
Contest Entry #07: Aura
Added by Noel Blackman | 2007 | 3,962 views
THIRD PLACE WINNER! Aura is a very flexible design that can be used for personal projects as well as professional programmer’s clients. You can create any background you like to customize the template or choose one of ten different colored backgrounds I made especially for this design. There are extra pre-made pages for Blu-ray, HD-DVD, QWERTY keyboard, plus an alternative to the Lutron page for lighting control for those who like to use the IR codes.

Adding buttons or creating new devices is very easy, there are eight pages of different size, dual state buttons and extra device icons which are pre-arranged that you can simply copy and paste into the correct position for a newly created activity. This design uses as much of the page as possible while minimizing the negative space between buttons and the need for multiple pages.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9600
Simplify Contest Entry Update
Added by Noel Blackman | 2008 | 3,395 views
An update to my Pronto Professional contest entry with changes made to the buttons transparency so they work correctly. The buttons worked perfect in the emulator, but not on the actual remote as 100% transparent areas are ignored. This caused 10% of the buttons in Simplify to not respond. All have been fixed and tested to work perfectly. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9600

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