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In this section: Hundreds of black & white and full color CCF files complete with devices, codes, macros, buttons and bitmaps!
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Color Remotes - System Layout Files
Displaying entries 21 through 30, of 142 available.
Buddy Cramer's RC9200 Layout
Added by Buddy Cramer | 2002 | 14,156 views
A color version for the Marantz RC9200 based upon Daniel Tonks' color CCF. The DirecTV functions are stolen from somebody else. The main rooms all utilize an RF extender. The bedroom is IR, except for DirecTiVo functions. On all equipment, the hard volume and channel buttons are reversed (same order as Pronto Pro).
Designed for:
Marantz RC9200
Carlos Abreu' Color ProntoPro CCF
Added by Carlos Abreu | 2006 | 7,083 views
This is my Pronto Pro color CCF. Graphics have been improved. Features include: south eastern zone DirecTV channel accessible through alphabetical index and browsing and heavy use of discrete codes.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro TSU6000 & RU970
Carlton Bale's Tabbed CCF
Added by Carlton Bale | 2002 | 11,631 views
This CCF has a completely tabbed interface and several simple macros for automation of common commands. The TiVo device panel will work with all TiVos except those from Sony. Advanced TiVo macros (enable 30 second skip, etc.) are included but not all have been tested.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro TSU6000 & RU970
Chad Crocker's Color Marantz Setup
Added by Chad Crocker | 2002 | 6,514 views
This is a Marantz 9200 CCF file. It is obviously based on Daniel's CCF file with some modifications to fit the 9200 and some other modifications (resize, reverse, color, etc.) to Daniel's graphics. Pressing "play dvd" on the home page executes a countdown animation sequence.
Designed for:
Marantz RC9200
Chad Gauntt's Home Theater
Added by Chad Gauntt | 2003 | 8,545 views
Complete system for a Home Theater with the following devices.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro TSU6000 & RU970
Charles Taylor's Pro CCF
Added by Charles Taylor | 2003 | 15,196 views
This is my first full CCF. I hope that it gives some others ideas. Juast as so many others gave ideas to me. I had a great deal of fun building my CCF. Any comments or suggestions on improving it would very very much appreciated. Enjoy!
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro TSU6000 & RU970
Chris Horka's Color Layout
Added by Chris Horka | 2004 | 7,828 views
A complete system setup for the following components.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro TSU6000 & RU970
Chris Lee's ProntoPro CCF
Added by Chris Lee | 2002 | 15,532 views
This is my revised ProntoPro template that I have been using for many months. This template utilizes Dual RF Extenders. Hope everyone likes it!
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro TSU6000 & RU970
Chris Lee's RC9200 CCF
Added by Chris Lee | 2002 | 2,334 views
This remote is based off the same template as my Pronto Pro with expanded screens and lack of on screen directional pads, of course. This template utilizes Dual RF Extenders. Hope everyone likes it!
Designed for:
Marantz RC9200
Chris Morse's Second WinTV CCF
Added by Chris Morse | 2005 | 11,383 views
This is probably my last PDA-specific setup for the Dell Axim as it does take so much time! Again, this is a Pronto Pro file being used with WinTV. Things to note: The Dell has it's own hard menu button so there isn't one present on-screen. The Dell doesn't have a seperate Macro sidebar so they are included on the home page and device pages.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro TSU6000 & RU970
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