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All Files - System Layout Files
Displaying entries 351 through 360, of 861 available.
Guy Williams' Complete System
Added by Guy Williams | 2003 | 13,437 views
This is my first attempt at a complete system file. I have produced it using the standard RC5000 gallery along with bits I've taken from this site and bits I've made myself. Thanks to anyone who finds bits of their work inside!
Designed for:
Marantz RC5000i
Hacioglu Cansan's Pronto Layout
Added by Hacioglu Cansan | 2001 | 6,709 views
A complete system CCF file from Germany.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Hans Hansson's System
Added by Hans Hansson | 2005 | 5,573 views
A complete system CCF file for the following components.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Hans Lundin's Improved System
Added by Hans Lundin | 2002 | 1,883 views
New improved with macros for actions and system power off.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Hans-Peter Krummen's Color Layout
Added by Hans-Peter Krummen | 2001 | 8,117 views
A complete color system CCF for the ProntoPro.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro TSU6000 & RU970
Harlan Webber's CCF File
Added by Harlan Webber | 2000 | 10,236 views
My CCF is a mixture of items from this forum. I have 2 viewing rooms, and have accommodated the management of shared components. It works for my wife so that must be a good sign.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Harlon's DirecTV Pronto
Added by Harlon Reihing | 2000 | 6,579 views
This file incorporates a DirecTV section that mimics the on-screen guide. The file is a work in progress, however most of the kinks have been ironed out.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Harvey Gordon's Jukebox CCF
Added by Harvey Gordon | 1999 | 3,030 views
This template contains my complete system. The "Jukebox" device and its' associated macros are used to select a specific disc on my Sony 200 disc Megachanger. This implementation of categories saves rewriting as there is no attempt to alphabetize discs. Also, the use of categories saves the user from scolling through multiple panels.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Helmuth Ritzer's Loewe CCF
Added by Helmuth Ritzer | 2000 | 9,433 views
This CCF covers various Loewe products including the Legro 1 stereo. Most of the codes are clean RC5 and Panasonic. The design mimic the Pronto's own menu system and allows you to switch from one device to another, keeping the system in a consistent state. All of the widgets are reused from other CCFs.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Henrick's Custom Pronto
Added by Henrick Blake | 2001 | 14,304 views
When designing this CCF I decided that I would prefer to have one panel per device where possible. The resulting design is a little cramped, but it has achieved most of what I set out to do. The CCF uses Windows type buttons and a toolbar and is mostly device based with a couple of activities thrown in. Thanks to anyone who recognises anything they contributed.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
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