Philips ProntoNEO & RC3200 File Area
The following page was printed from RemoteCentral.com:
In this section: Our complete collection of black & white system files for the ProntoNEO and RC3200, complete with bitmaps, macros and commands.
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System Layout Files Displaying entries 21 through 30, of 131 available.
Alex Kada's ProntoNEO
Added by Alex Kada | 2002 | 11,832 views
Replaced all remotes and put all functionality in my Neo. For the TV I used TV logos (channels received in The Netherlands).
Designed for:
Philips ProntoNEO TSU500 & RU930
Matt Robinson's NEO NCF
Added by Matt Robinson | 2002 | 11,744 views
Device overview screen has been modified using NeoHacker. Includes categorized channel BMPs.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoNEO TSU500 & RU930
Eric Bigford's ProntoNEO NCF
Added by Eric Bigford | 2006 | 11,630 views
This file has channel favorites, custom .bmp's and correct codes to get the motorola cable box to work. Also, code for a Pioneer DVD player new out in mid 2006. I am happy with this file, as everything works. It has a hacked start page with custom buttons and macros. I also put a pic of my logo in there, but that can be removed in NEOedit.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoNEO TSU500 & RU930
Matze's German NCF
Added by Matze | 2006 | 11,337 views
A complete system setup for the following devices.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoNEO TSU500 & RU930
Mitch Petervary's NCF
Added by Mitch Petervary | 2003 | 11,226 views
My ProntoNEO is intended for using the whole home theater system at once. Hope this helps someone. I could not have gotten this far if it wasn't for Remote Central. Thanks everyone!
Designed for:
Philips ProntoNEO TSU500 & RU930
Eric Jacober's Configuration
Added by Eric Jacober | 2003 | 11,209 views
Great Config! Took me about a week. I kind of outsmart the ProntoNeo System and create an environment like the Pronto. Just press device then press One-Touch. You're set from there!
Designed for:
Philips ProntoNEO TSU500 & RU930
Whistle Blower's RU930
Added by Whistle Blower | 2004 | 10,957 views
Full programmation of home surround system with pronto neo remote control. It took hours of programming thanks to advice & files courtesy of users on remotecentral.com Thanks a lot, couldn't have made it without your input!
Designed for:
Philips ProntoNEO TSU500 & RU930
Keith Hole's System
Added by Keith Hole | 2004 | 10,891 views
A run-of-the-mill system file containing everyday buttons.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoNEO TSU500 & RU930
Mike's ProntoNEO System
Added by Mike | 2003 | 10,553 views
Uses custom graphics for the home activity screen and I borrowed Marcel Lubyen's great navigation controls for VCR/DVD/CD transport. Custom channel icons for Western Canada.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoNEO TSU500 & RU930
Andy Scott's NEO NCF
Added by Andy Scott | 2002 | 10,221 views
Press the Macro button (I know it's lame, but hey it works) this brings up the main driver screen. My wife only has to press the "Watch TV" button and presto, everything needs to watch TV is turned on and set into the right mode and the appropriate DVR menu is on the TSU5000.(I love this device). When she's done, she clicks the "Turn Off" button and shuts it all down. I took me about 10 hours of developing this (mostly because my TV Remote was broken). The time goes by so fast when you are playing with something like this. I think all of the remote buttons are programmed for the devices listed above. The Learn mode of the ProntoNEO was excpetionally easy. Before I started I installed the latest firmware patch. I think this helped.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoNEO TSU500 & RU930
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