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Philips ProntoNEO & RC3200 File Area
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Tips to maximize your results
All keywords required:
By default, all search terms are required to be in your results. However, you may add an "or" operator using a vertical pipe: |. So, to change from a search for television logos requiring both television and logos to appear within the same file description, use television | logos and you'll get results with either word.

Put phrases in quotes:
Searching for "star trek" will only match that specific phrase, with words in that exact order.

Automatic word stemming:
The search engine will automatically include "similar" forms of words. For example, searching for learning will also match learn, learns and learned.

Smart model number searching:
For device configuration files (only), the search engine will automatically match partial model numbers. For example, searching for s999 will match DVP-NS999ES.

Additionally, hyphens are ignored, so searching for dvpns999es or dvp-ns999es will return the same results.

Prohibit terms:
You can prohibit a word by adding a - sign before it. Other words will need to be present. For example, to search for files that must have the word simpsons and must not contain homer, use: simpsons -homer.

Filter files by intended remote control:
If you're in a remote control family's file area when beginning your search, you can choose to limit results to files designed for one or more specific remote control models. Depending on the file area, you may also select from prepared groupings of models.

Note that opting to filter for specific remote control models will not return files that have been marked as for "all models". This includes most programs, utilities, documentation and graphics.

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