Philips Pronto Professional Family File Area
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In this section: Time-saving layout files that can be easily incorporated or modified into your existing system designs.
Design Elements Displaying 6 entries.
Create Your Own Pronto Professional TV Logos
Added by Hm Bucker | 2007 | 5,662 views
Adobe PSD file for creating the Pronto Professional channel icons.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9600
Galaxy 96
Added by Daniel Tonks | 2007 | 3,741 views
Based on a three by three grid, the goal in Galaxy 96 is to get from a single planet surrounded by a swarm of black holes to the reverse: one black hole surrounded by a ring of planets. Each time you click on a planet it, along with the adjacent spaces on the top, bottom, left and right swap their states. Planets change into black holes, and black holes into planets. If you destroy all of your planets you lose, so choose carefully! This XCF encompasses over 3,300 buttons, 2,800 panels, 500 pages and 8 devices.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9600
Leo's Planning Template
Added by leosarma | 2013 | 3,474 views
Here's a template that I used to help me plan my personal configuration for the TSU9400; figuring out screens and functions for each button even before beginning messing up with PEP3. Should be useful for every TSU9400 owner!
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9400
Password Protect your Settings Button
Added by Bobby Goldberg | 2008 | 2,746 views
Incorporate this into your system to protect your setup area. The password is 735, easy to modify.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9600
Remote Lock Out Utility
Added by Pete Rodriguez | 2009 | 3,153 views
Merge this file with your own layout. It will lock up your remote with your very own access code. In this download the access code is "0419". You can program your own code just by switching the jump page order. I program the Lock out for access on Power down and also jump it with the Home button as a remote screen lock.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9400
Simple Password Functionality
Added by es Stroobants | 2010 | 2,734 views
This is an xcf file to add password functionality into your remote. The password is "1621" and is easy to change.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9400
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