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In this section: Here's where you'll find infrared databases, device IP drivers, and a special section for the legacy TheaterTouch T2.
Special drivers written to control various devices over IP networks. |
If the Mega List doesn't have what you want, you can find other CML IR Libraries in here, each with the commands to a wide range of devices. |
Specialized drivers that can be used to add functionality to a system design. |
Original software, manuals and system layouts for use with the original RTI T2 remote and Integration Designer software. Does not apply to current models. |
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IR Databases & More Displaying 2 entries.
Mega List v21
Added by Glackowitz | 2011 | 58,595 views
The ultimate collection of infrared device codes for use with RTI's Integration Designer software.
The Master List (Late 2014)
Added by SysIntegration | 2015 | 15,202 views
I offer to you my own mega list, which is a combined master of the known megalists, some of the smaller lists from the downloads area, and my own list collected over my last 15 years in A/V industry.
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