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Contest Entry # 3: Bubblez
Complete System Layout File
Added by Robbie Clark | 2005
Grand Prize Winner! (Part 3 of 3)
This entry started out as a way to amuse my 2 year old daughter. I wanted something with plenty of colors and movement, and what do I end up with but a remote full of bubbles and fish? The transitions between pages on this one are also fun, the theme of course being 'bubbles'. There are also plenty of animated fish and underwater life. The best feature I think is the animation tied to the OFF macro (please check it out) … this is the soft of thing I just can’t do with Crestron :) It’s a simple remote, but still pretty cool (sometimes the simpler the better).

This entry is also more ‘fun’ than ‘functional’ but does offer the same simplified level of control that I generally give to my customers. It offers fun bubble-filled transitions from page to page (again to the liking of my toddler who isn’t even allowed to play with the remote anyway). The pages are colorful with no shortage of fish, bubbles, and seaweed to grab your attention. Under the advanced setup page, the code needed to enter is 911.

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June 15, 2005
4.64mb, 123 downloads
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