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Pioneer DV-344 DVD Player
Device Configuration File (part of a larger System Layout)
Added by David Harrison | 2005
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.

See the system's description for further details.

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October 23, 2005
22kb, 152 downloads
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This file is part of the following system layout...
David Harrison's MX-700
This is an improved (more compact and efficient use of MX-700) file, compared to my earlier posting. In this new posting, the format of the buttons is aligned with the content of the "Guide to Simple Home Theater Operation" provided with the remote - so my family can now refer to the guide. It incorporates discrete ON/OFF for the Yamaha receiver, an on/off workaround for the old analogue Foxtel box, and a discrete off code for the Teac set top box (derived from hex code loaded into a Pronto editor, then imported).
Components in this system:
Cable Box:
Pace STU-100 (Foxtel)
DVD Player:
Pioneer DV-344
Pioneer PDP-435FDE
Sharp VC-H84
CD Player:
Sony CDP-C245
Yamaha RX-V750

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