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B&K AVR-505 Receiver
Device Configuration File (part of a larger System Layout)
Added by Harvey Gordon | 2003
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.

See the system's description for further details.

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October 7, 2003
27kb, 86 downloads
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This file is part of the following system layout...
Harvey Gordon's Home Theater
Discrete codes for all devices except Cable and XBOX - which don't exist.
Components in this system:
B&K AVR-505
JVC HR-S3500U (LP20337-003)
Cable Box:
Pace DC550P
DVD Player:
Pioneer Elite DV-47A
CD Player:
Sony CDP-CX240
Digital Video Recorder:
Sony SVR-2000
RP Television:
Sony KF-50XBR800 (RM-Y912)

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