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JVC AV-3291S Television
Device Configuration File (part of a larger System Layout)
Added by Mitch G. | 2004
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.

See the system's description for further details.

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March 23, 2004
18kb, 94 downloads
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This file is part of the following system layout...
Mitch G's Family Friendly Setup
Using ideas picked up in various places, I created what is generally a family-friendly remote where I use two device buttons to provide displays that say "Watch TV" or "Play DVD" or "Tape Show" etc. When pressed, they go to a simple menu focused on these activities. That simple menu includes a "DONE" button which is used to shut things down when done. The actual devices are displayed on page 2 with a square next to them. This basically tells the non-power users in the house to not push those buttons. Additionally, I have a couple of "Hop 2" commands in there which I use to bounce between devices when I want to, say, watch TV while listening to the radio or a CD.
Components in this system:
JVC AV-3291S
Panasonic PV-V4657
DVD Player:
Toshiba SD-2200
Yamaha HTR-5640
Includes discrete codes converted from a CCF file (see the "DSP" device).

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