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Philips iPronto TSi6400 File Area
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Sony SAT-W60 DSS Receiver
Device Configuration File (part of a larger System Layout)
Added by Cinergi | 2003
Combination DSS/Ultimate TV.

Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.

See the system's description for further details.

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Download attachments:
October 24, 2003
1.19mb, 101 downloads
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This file is part of the following system layout...
Cinergi's iPronto ICF
A complete iPronto ICF file with the following devices.
Components in this system:
Marantz VP-12S2
DVD Player:
Meridian 800
Meridian 861
DSS Receiver:
Sony SAT-HD200
Combination DSS/HDTV receiver.
DSS Receiver:
Sony SAT-W60
Combination DSS/Ultimate TV.

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