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Philips iPronto TSi6400 File Area
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Doug's Dashboard
Complete System Layout File
Added by Doug @ ClearlyResolved | 2004
The key point of interest here is the pseudo "four up" page that I've created and dubbed "the Dashboard." This is designed to be the primary viewing screen for the iPronto remote user, and because this particular equipment configuration has only three activities (HDTV, DVD and Cable), the four-pane display really works well.

The descriptive labels above each of the sections in the Dashboard display are actually buttons that can be clicked to take the user to a full-page display of controls for that particular activity/component. The full-page display replicates the same buttons in the upper right corner to match the corresponding panel of the Dashboard. In addition, each of the Expanded pages provides most, if not all, of the buttons for the corresponding original remote control. Each expanded page includes macros at the bottom to switch to one of the two other activities, or to return to the Dashboard, as applicable. All macros (except System Off) take the user back to the Dashboard.

The Switcher at the bottom of the Dashboard also allows jumping from one activity to another. The macros here working discrete codes, so the switching among components and TV and surround sound is pretty foolproof. The same macros, along with a System Off macro are included on the home page.
Components in this system:
DSS Receiver/DVR:
Hughes HRT-250
JVC RX-8000V
DVD Player:
Pioneer Elite DV-C302D
Pioneer Elite Pro-710HD

Download attachments:
September 19, 2004
163kb, 82 downloads
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