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Philips iPronto TSi6400 File Area
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Mark's UK Spec iPronto
Complete System Layout File
Added by Mark | 2008
First of all, a massive thank-you too Kees van der Meer's Platinum design on which this layout is heavily based. I've enlarged the menu keys and added pressed state buttons to all icons. I've also tried to keep all the icons the same on every page, ie. the play and rewind buttons are in the same location on Sky, iDock and PS3. Most devices are on one page, to keep things simple and to save time. All my surrond sound keys are on the far right. Hope you like it.
Components in this system:
iPod Dock:
Onkyo DS-A2
Onkyo TX-SR606
DSS Receiver/DVR:
Pace Sky Plus
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Download attachments:
November 8, 2008
989kb, 182 downloads
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