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Philips ProntoNEO & RC3200 File Area
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Toshiba M752 VHS VCR
Device Configuration File (part of a larger System Layout)
Added by Andy Scott | 2002
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.

See the system's description for further details.

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December 17, 2002
46kb, 74 downloads
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This file is part of the following system layout...
Andy Scott's NEO NCF
Press the Macro button (I know it's lame, but hey it works) this brings up the main driver screen. My wife only has to press the "Watch TV" button and presto, everything needs to watch TV is turned on and set into the right mode and the appropriate DVR menu is on the TSU5000.(I love this device). When she's done, she clicks the "Turn Off" button and shuts it all down. I took me about 10 hours of developing this (mostly because my TV Remote was broken). The time goes by so fast when you are playing with something like this. I think all of the remote buttons are programmed for the devices listed above. The Learn mode of the ProntoNEO was excpetionally easy. Before I started I installed the latest firmware patch. I think this helped.
Components in this system:
RCA P46813BL
Digital Video Recorder:
ReplayTV RTV5040
DVD Player:
Sony DVP-S3000
Toshiba M752
Yamaha RX-V620

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