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ProntoNEO IR Format
User-Written Utilities & Documents
Added by Pat Spector | 2002
Update of document which describes the deciphered code format the ProntoNeo uses for learned IR codes. This code format works for the Pulse Coded Modulation (Sony format), the Space Coded Modulation (NEC format) and the Phase Shift Modulation format RC5 or bi-phase. These three modulations cover the majority of all IR remote codes. Pioneer, Onkyo, Akai, Canon, Goldstar, Hitachi, Kenwood, NAD, Teac and Yamaha are all based on the NEC format. Lutron, Sharp, Toshiba and X10 have their own variation of the NEC format. Arcam, Meridian, Philips and Wharfdale are based on RC5.
Designed for:
All Philips ProntoNEO Models
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June 5, 2002
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