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Quad 99CDP CD Player
Device Configuration File (part of a larger System Layout)
Added by Drew Preston | 2006
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.

See the system's description for further details.

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December 25, 2006
1.13mb, 169 downloads
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This file is part of the following system layout...
Drew's Media Room
I designed this program around an activity based setup. My Dad comes to visit regularly and he couldn't figure out how to use my system with my old remote - I tried to make it as user friendly as possible and I think I accomplished that goal - I know my Dad never asks me how to use the system anymore - I didn't even have to show him what to do with this setup. I made it extremely easy to change channels by using the Channel Logos as the main interface to change cable> channels instead of using the digits. Right now - it has a Rotel processor but early next week I'm replacing that with an Atlantic Technologies Processor. I'll post an update when complete.
Components in this system:
Lutron Spacer
DVD Player:
Panasonic DVD-A110
Panasonic TH-42PD50
CD Player:
Quad 99CDP
Rotel RSP-980THX

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