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Perry Brill's NevoSL
Complete System Layout File
Added by Perry Brill | 2006
This is a first attempt at customising my Nevo. Utilising macros to show some basic animation as the screens change. If you go from the main screen using the top button, which shows the Sky menu page on a plasma panel, the animation shows a rippling effect and transports you to the menu page for Sky. There is more animation when you press pause or play on this screen and you are taken to a more basic screen with large buttons for easier access and use. Again, using the back button on this screen will show a ripple animation back to the main screen. This is a work in progress so some feedback or ideas would be appreciated.
Components in this system:
DVD Player:
Denon DVD-1920
Denon AVR-3802
Panasonic TH-42PX60B
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Download attachments:
December 25, 2006
2.86mb, 120 downloads
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