X10 produces a device called the IR543 which controls X10 powerline devices using an infrared remote, but it only sends signals to devices on a single house code (16 devices). Laser Business Systems produces a modification kit called the IRAH which allows the IR543 (now called IR543AH) to send signals to devices on all house codes (256 devices).
Included are device configuration files to allow the Philips ProntoNEO TSU500, the Marantz RC3200, and the Boston Acoustics Avidea A7RC/TSU501 to control both of these devices. (The additional commands for the IR543AH were added using a combination of learning from a TSU6000 using code files included with the IRAH, and hex code tweaking to improve usability.) The files are designed to give you access to all the codes in an organized manner, but the configuration becomes much more powerful when you link multiple commands to a single button (e.g. assign a macro for [House Code "C", Unit Code "2", Function Code "On"] to a button named "Kitchen Light On").
If you use a Boston Acoustics Avidea A7RC/TSU501 remote, you can connect either the IR543 or IR543AH to a Philips RFX6000 (or for better range, Philips RFX6500) remote extender, set this device to be controlled by RF in FreedomEdit, and control X10 devices from anywhere in your home without line-of-sight access to the receiver.