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List CCF for MAC OSX 10.7+
CCF Programs
Added by Helmut Taylor | 2012
This is a port of Mike Johnson's original Windows Command Line Utility, List CCF, for MAC OSX 10.7 and up.

Like the Windows version, you run this command line utility on the MAC OSX 10.7. The zip archive file has a readme file, a sample Pronto CCF file, and the resulting output file. To use the MAC OSX program, you may have to be familiar with MAC OSX and terminal operation.

This is a brief step by step procedure to run this on a MAC:
  1. Open a terminal window found at path Application/Utilities/Teminal
  2. navigate to the location of where you unarchived this file (your folder has the program (binary file "lstccf")
  3. type ./lstccf [the name of the ccf file you want to convert]
  4. the program outputs a txt file just like the windows version
Special thanks to Mike Johnson for sharing his initial creation with us!
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February 26, 2012
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