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Robbie's Pink Floyd MX-3000
Complete System Layout File
Added by Robbie Clark | 2005
Here is my Pink Floyd themed home remote. It took forever and is very customized to my home system (and to my wife's liking). Please note the use of variables to modify the MAIN button's functionality... pressing MAIN while on the main menu will return you to the device you were last using without issuing the macro (useful for accidental presses of MAIN). What you might find useful is the full AudioRequest QWERTY keyboard, including capitals.
Components in this system:
DVD Player:
Panasonic DVD-A110
Digital Video Recorder:
ReplayTV RTV4160

Download attachments:
September 2, 2005
4.00mb, 87 downloads
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1 of 1 people have found this submission useful.
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