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Bill Spence's MX-700 System
Complete System Layout File
Added by Bill Spence | 2002
Many hard to find discrete codes. I use the mute and prev ch buttons to toggle between my receiver and DVD/TiVo. I also use push and hold macros extensively. My two DSS receivers are next to each other so I have one set for ID 1 and the other to ID 51. I am still looking for a VIDEO 7 discrete for the TV and any Yamaha DSP discretes. Thanks to Greg for doing the hex conversions!
Components in this system:
CD Player:
Sony CDP-CX400 (RM-DX400)
DSS Receiver/DVR:
Sony SAT-T60 (RM-Y809)
Set to ID 1.
DSS/HDTV Receiver:
Sony SAT-HD200 (RM-Y815)
Set to ID 51 and includes discrete power.
DVD Player:
Sony DVP-NS755V (RMT-D147A)
Includes discrete power.
Sony KV-34XBR800 (RM-Y188)
Includes discrete power, inputs, view mode toggles and picture adjustments.
Yamaha RX-V3200

Download attachments:
December 30, 2002
25kb, 90 downloads
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