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Philips Pronto NG Family File Area
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Contest Entry #12: Gizmo-Man
Complete System Layout File
Added by Nas Gabelli | 2004
This is my attempt to design a unique configuration for the ProntoPro NG. I like to design devices that look similar to the original remote, so others could operate the remote with ease.

The TOOL, DEVIVE and PAGE# labels have changed cosmetically. HARD-BUTTON 1 through 4 are reserved for instant access to frequently used devices. HOME and HARD-BUTTON 1-4 also function as page down when pressed again.

For additional info, press the [?] button, where available.

Note: Some buttons (lights and scene) are not programmed since there are many different ways to send X-10 signals. Also, toggle lights (in the SCENE section) does not work on current version of emulator(, but works when downloaded to the ProntoProNG. Please download the PCF file and take a look. Unleash your creativity and copy, modify, add and edit to your liking!

Download attachments:
February 8, 2004
1.58mb, 129 downloads
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