This file contains an example of the creation of a floating page, or a page that shows up on top of another page so that you can navigate from, for example, the Blu-ray control page to the lights control on a Lutron panel.
This file is still under construction, I will post it as it evolves, however, if anyone likes them the scripts or the graphics and wants a copy of the backgrounds or buttons, just let me know.
To see at work, within this file, simulate it. On the start page tap the directors cut thing to sart up. Then tap the video option in the following screen. After that, choose Sky (that is Directv subsudiary in Brazil).
Ok, now you are in the Sky control page. Now if you press the right most hard button of the console, just below the screen, you'll see a Lutron Control Panel show up on top of the Sat Control Page. If you press it it again, the page containing the light controls will disappear.