A collection of 40 pictures representing the most television stations available in the german part of Switzerland. All BMP's are 50x38 pixels and reduced to the Pronto's 4 colour palette. Previews below are shown two-thirds real size.
Includes: SF1, SF2, TSR1, TSR2, TSI1, TSI2, 3SAT, ARD, ARTE, BBC Prime, BR, CNN, DSF, Eurosport, HOT, Kabel 1, MDR, MTV, n-tv, NBC, ORF1, ORF2, PRO7, RTL, RTL2, Super RTL, SAT1, StarTV, SW/BW, SWIZZ, Tele24, Teleclub, Tele M1, TM3, TNT, TV3, VIVA, VOX, WDR, ZDF.