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Displaying 3 entries.
Pioneer DV-C503 DVD Player
Added by Daniel Siminiuk | 2003 | 2,016 views
Operated by model VXX2705 original remote control.
This is a base code panel, laid out roughly the same as the original remote control. Also includes discrete power.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Pioneer SD-533HD5 Television
Added by Daniel Siminiuk | 2003 | 2,071 views
Operated by model AXD1457 original remote control.
This is a base code panel, laid out roughly the same as the original remote control. Also includes discrete power.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Yamaha HTR-5540 Receiver
Added by Daniel Siminiuk | 2003 | 3,602 views
Operated by model V829490 original remote control.
This is a base panel for the Yamaha HTR-5540 including discrete power. The buttons are laid out in more or less the same positions as the original remote.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890

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