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User Name Search Results
Displaying 5 entries.
Dwin Transvision Projector
Added by Ryan Cox | 2002 | 7,276 views
Operated by model SL-8000 original remote control.
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.
Designed for:
Marantz RC5000
Marantz SR-18 Receiver
Added by Ryan Cox | 2002 | 7,276 views
Operated by model RC-18SR original remote control.
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.
Designed for:
Marantz RC5000
Mitsubishi WS-46805 Television
Added by Ryan Cox | 2002 | 7,276 views
Operated by model UR64EC2276 original remote control.
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.
Designed for:
Marantz RC5000
Ryan Cox's Minimalist CCF
Added by Ryan Cox | 2002 | 7,276 views
This is a clean, minimalist setup. Main page uses graphics for each task. Plenty of macros to power on/off system, watch video on TV or Projector, listen to music, play games, etc. Also allows for component control. Great for other family members that don't wish to learn components and inputs.
Designed for:
Marantz RC5000
Toshiba SD9100 DVD Player
Added by Ryan Cox | 2002 | 7,276 views
Operated by model SE-R0002 original remote control.
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.
Designed for:
Marantz RC5000

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