Philips Pronto NG Family File Area
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In this section: These systems employ completely original artwork for a truly unique remote control layout. Also includes entries from The 2004 Great ProntoPro NG TSU7000 PCF design contest.
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Original Design Systems Displaying entries 1 through 10, of 101 available.
Contest Entry #06: Giraffe
Added by Adam Bursey | 2004 | 2,232 views
This layout is an evolution of my TSU3000 layout. It is activity-based and makes heavy use of macros to control my two zones of equipment and home automation. The layout of hard and soft buttons for each device follows a pattern, making it fairly simple to learn to use. It also contains a fairly extensive help system. This look is the result of my wife asking me to do a layout that matched her favorite purse!
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000 & RU980
Contest Entry #08: Redrock
Added by Adam Bursey | 2004 | 2,173 views
This layout is an evolution of my TSU3000 layout. It is activity-based and makes heavy use of macros to control my two zones of equipment and home automation. The layout of hard and soft buttons for each device follows a pattern, making it fairly simple to learn to use. There is a help screen for each device. The skin is based on a pattern that matches the paint of our living room.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000 & RU980
Contest Entry #14: White Plastic
Added by Adam Bursey | 2004 | 2,565 views
This layout is an evolution of my TSU3000 layout. It is activity-based and makes heavy use of macros to control my two zones of equipment and home automation. The layout of hard and soft buttons for each device follows a pattern, making it fairly simple to learn to use. It contains a fairly extensive help system. The look borrows from the plastic look of some of the Max OS X widgets.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000 & RU980
Contest Entry #19: Big Sky
Added by Adam Bursey | 2004 | 2,265 views
This layout is an evolution of my TSU3000 layout. It is activity-based and makes heavy use of macros to control my two zones of equipment and home automation. The layout of hard and soft buttons for each device follows a pattern, making it fairly simple to learn to use. It also contains a fairly extensive help system. This look is the result of me playing around with transparent buttons.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000 & RU980
Contest Entry #27: Stoned Aqua
Added by Adam Bursey | 2004 | 2,211 views
This layout is an evolution of my TSU3000 layout. It is activity-based and makes heavy use of macros to control my two zones of equipment and home automation. The layout of hard and soft buttons for each device follows a pattern, making it fairly simple to learn to use. There is a help screen for each device. The skin resulted from a hybrid of Aqua-like plastic button and a rough stone background.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000 & RU980
Contest Entry #31: Quicksilver
Added by Adam Bursey | 2004 | 2,435 views
This layout is an evolution of my TSU3000 layout. It is activity-based and makes heavy use of macros to control my two zones of equipment and home automation. The layout of hard and soft buttons for each device follows a pattern, making it fairly simple to learn to use. There is a help screen for each device. The skin is based a concept of liquid metal.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000 & RU980
Adam Bursey's Custom PCF
Added by Adam D. Bursey | 2003 | 12,788 views
This is my original TSU3000 PCF. The buttons and backgrounds are based on Apple's brushed metal look. It is fairly task oriented, but retains some of the device-oriented flavor of my TSU1000 CCF. Contains controls for two zones of equipment and whole house home automation.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto NG TSU3000 & RU950
Alden Reine's Custom PCF
Added by Alden Reine | 2003 | 15,321 views
Completely custom PCF for the TSU3000. All new bitmaps each designed specifically for their respective devices. All buttons are my own original designs.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto NG TSU3000 & RU950
Contest Entry #29: Sea: My Anenome
Added by Alden Reine | 2004 | 2,216 views
An all-new design with device specific buttons, backgrounds, and bottom “activity” bars for the four hard buttons at the bottom of the touch screen. I personally prefer pages with as few buttons as possible, so my PCF file reflects this minimalist approach. The way one changes devices in this PCF is by using the “NavMode” hard button at the bottom of the remote. On every page this button will take you to the “Device Overview Template” page, where you can then switch to different devices. I have reworked the majority of the buttons I created for the TSU3000 in color for the TSU7000. I’ve also created several new color buttons as well. “Action buttons” for a variety of activities are included as well as logo “panels” for labeling specific devices from a number of different manufacturers. New color television station buttons are included in the “Surf” section of the Tivo device and the Hughes DSS device. Hope you enjoy my work! Special credit goes to www.DigitalBlasphemy.com for the background anemone images included in my .PCF file.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000 & RU980
Rolex Controller
Added by Aldo Morell | 2008 | 15,494 views
This is an original system design with custom graphics. The system is activity based, but from each activity section you can switch to another activity, another page of the activity or to a specific device control section. It is so easy to use that my wife says she can finally use the controller. The graphics are based on stainless steel background and gold trim like a Rolex Datejust watch. At the top of the activity pages there are tabs with icons for other activities such as watch DVD, listen to CD, Steam Music etc. On the left side there are tabs with icons for each device. And along the bottom, above the hard button labels, there are tabs with icons for each page of the activity section.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000 & RU980
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