I am getting quite busy... don't have enough free time to design CCFs. Here's a design that isn't 100% done, but I thought since I wouldn't complete them soon, I'd give you what I have. This CCF is desinged like the Philips website. This is in honor of those that made this product. Some new button designs, MUST SEE ON THE REMOTE. The 2D pics don't show what it looks like on the remote. See the attached notepad to find out what needs to be completed.
This is a CCF I did just for the fun of it. It has a totally new set of graphic based on computer circuit boards and the components on them. One of the things I wanted to show is that even though the Pronto only has 4 colors, you can have 7 grays by dithering. Includes the same devices as the file above as well as a gallery file.