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User-Written Documentation
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In this section: Manuals and technical writings created by other Pronto owners, plus the Unofficial Pronto FAQ in .PDF format.
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User-Written Documentation Displaying entries 11 through 16, of 16 available.
A Pronto Newbie's Diary
Added by Tom O'Neill | 2001 | 3,517 views
This is a 3 page journal of detailed notes I kept as I began learning how to program Pronto, using all the facilities Remote Central provides. The file was saved as plain text, since I don't have access to Adobe Acrobat writer.
Designed for:
All Philips Pronto Models
Pronto and Bang & Olufsen IR Codes (DOC)
Added by Loran Richardson | 2000 | 3,869 views
A brief tutorial on how to make Bang and Olufsen IR codes, with a fairly comprehensive set of IR codes that work on my B&O 6500 system. In Microsoft Word format.
Designed for:
All Philips Pronto Models
IRDatabase Documentation (DOC)
Added by Steven Keyser | 2000 | 3,336 views
Documentation on how to Learn IR codes, add them to your rcir.mdb file and then add them to a button using IRDatabase and ProntoEdit. In MS Word format.
Designed for:
All Philips Pronto Models
Pronto Music Configuration Worksheet (XLS)
Added by Mark Wasserman | 1999 | 2,658 views
(v1.0) The Pronto Music Configuration Worksheet is a Microsoft Excel 97/2K worksheet designed to help write music and tunes for the pronto. It includes 7 Octave scales covering the full range of notes the pronto can make, a tempo calculator to determine the length of notes and rests for all notes and dotted notes as well as a volume chart. Instructions are included and comments and enhancement requests are welcome.
Designed for:
All Philips Pronto Models
Pronto & Controlling X-10 via IR (DOC)
Added by Barry Gordon | 1999 | 2,990 views
Barry Gordon's document explaining how to control X-10 system components via IR signals with the Pronto remote control. In MS Word format.
Designed for:
All Philips Pronto Models
ProntoEdit's IR Display Format (DOC)
Added by Barry Gordon | 1999 | 5,626 views
Barry Gordon's document explaining the format of IR codes as stored in ProntoEdit and how to decipher and modify them. MS Word format. Also available online in HTML format.
Designed for:
All Philips Pronto Models
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