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All Files - System Layout Files
Displaying entries 101 through 110, of 861 available.
Brian Lipszyc's System
Added by Brian Lipszyc | 2008 | 16,290 views
This is my system CCF that contains a lot of newer technology that most folks are only adding to their NGs or Pros. This CCF contains codes for HD DVD, Blu-Ray, SA DVRs, and others. I also have a pretty extensive menu system for those who want to make their remote as easy as possible for a spouse and/or kids. There is also a CD Changer section that organized my CDs by artist and album using SuperNudelist. Unforutnately, the code I've used was lost in a hard drive crash. A big thanks to Daniel as most of the graphics are his, with some slight modifications here and there. Also a big thanks to Lyndel McGee who created the original SuperNudelist app and process.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TSU2000 & RU940
Brian Pogson's Full System CCF
Added by Brian Pogson | 2001 | 10,663 views
This CCF represents a full working system that is constantly being updated. This version incorporates new buttons for BBC Interactive to cope with the Wimbledon fortnight!
Designed for:
Marantz RC5000
Brian Porter's Pronto Setup
Added by Brian Porter | 1999 | 10,802 views
I haved added full TiVo support with macros to frequently useditems and a logical layout to supplement the TiVo experience. I redesignedmy CCF by basically overlaying Daniels great interface on top of my previousfunctionality. I have maintained discrete PIP switching and control,discrete sleep timers, my interactive system layout, sony service menu, anddiscrete A/B channel switching. I have also added global X10 lightingcontrols with icons from Dale Crawford. This CCF is significantly betterlooking and much more useable.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Brian Turner's CCF File
Added by Brian Turner | 2001 | 5,224 views
A CCF mostly made up from other people's files and a few of my own ideas thrown in for good measure. I have only had my pronto a week and I think it's quite good -- thanks to other Pronto users!
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TSU2000 & RU940
Brian VanMeeteren's RAV-2000
Added by Brian VanMeeteren | 2004 | 4,273 views
A complete system setup with the following components.
Designed for:
Yamaha RAV-2000
Brian Wells' CCF File
Added by Brian Wells | 1999 | 8,962 views
This is a complete home theater system CCF file.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Brock Landers' User Friendly CCF
Added by Brock Landers | 2001 | 7,530 views
Nicely laid out design, complete with macros and discrete codes (all found on this site) extremely user friendly. If you have DirecTV with TiVo, check this out! Highly used TiVo commands accessible from all channel menu pages. All images borrowed and manipulated. Many thanks to everyone at this site.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TSU2000 & RU940
Bruce Hartley's RC5000i System
Added by Bruce Hartley | 2002 | 8,621 views
Features: full CD Track Listing from SuperNudelist; Ballroom dancing screen; S-LinkE and Girder for CD control; Sky channel guide; discrete codes where available. Thanks everyone for your CCFs!
Designed for:
Marantz RC5000i
Bruce Hartley's RC5200 System
Added by Bruce Hartley | 2002 | 6,931 views
Features: full CD Track Listing from SuperNudelist; IRMan and Girder for CDJ database; Sky channel guide; discrete codes where available. Thanks everyone for your CCFs!
Designed for:
Marantz RC5200
Bruce Hartley's RC9200 System
Added by Bruce Hartley | 2005 | 17,958 views
Features a Squeezebox Networked MP3 player with extended commands; Sky channel guide; discrete codes where available. Thanks to Daniel Tonks for making it all possible and for most of the artwork I have used; Leo 'Nudel' Davidson for Supernudelist; Lyndel McGee for Supernudelist extensions and custom SNL artwork; Olivier Couvreur for CCF Tools and everyone else on Remote Central who has helped me over the years! Also includes a previous version of my system file with different components.
Designed for:
Marantz RC9200
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