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Displaying entries 391 through 400, of 861 available.
Jason Beardsall's Pronto
Added by Jason Beardsall | 2002 | 5,713 views
Based on Dexco's CCF, with codes learned or added where needed and buttons added or removed. Also added a complete system on button and buttons to switch all componants between watching Sky Digital or a DVD.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TSU2000 & RU940
Jason Bergman's System CCF
Added by Jason Bergman | 2001 | 5,932 views
This is my full system CCF file, which contains mostly new or tweaked icons and buttons. In addition to the usual DVD, VCR and Tuner screens, my CCF also contains 11 video game systems. It has been simplified so that it only contains the buttons my girlfriend and I use on a regular basis - everything else has been removed completely. Includes gallery.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Jason Bihun's System File
Added by Jason Bihun | 2002 | 7,196 views
A simple CCF file complete with channel icons.
Designed for:
Marantz RC5000
Jason Frear's Complete System
Added by Jason Frear | 2001 | 16,867 views
Complete system CCF along the star trek control theme. Basic graphics and only a few macros. Of interest for Quad 77 Amp/CD owners who didn't want to spend a fortune on Quad's own remote. B&Q lighting control is on the "MUTE" key.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Jason Gillette's ProntoPro
Added by Jason Gillette | 2003 | 7,202 views
Complete CCF using an Intellicontrol and a TSU6000. Includes a CCF with DirecTV logos, and an Intellicontrol file will all source and input macos as well as sync for all sources.
Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro TSU6000 & RU970
Jason Hillman's RC5000 Setup
Added by Jason Hillman | 2001 | 7,539 views
I have incorporated a simple DVD List for guests to go through to find movies, I have also included the schedules of my favorite teams. My 300 disc player has title and track info using a simple input system takes 2 minutes on a new CD. DSS has channel guides. All graphics and what not are borrowed and I want to thank Andrea, Daniel, and all others for their hard work.
Designed for:
Marantz RC5000
Jason Howse's Scooby Doo CCF
Added by Jason Howse | 2001 | 1,825 views
A complete system CCF with a Scooby Doo theme.
Designed for:
Marantz RC5000i
Jason Jones' Home Theater
Added by Jason Jones | 2004 | 1,819 views
A complete system CCF for the following devices. Discrete codes used where possible.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TSU2000 & RU940
Jason Maguire's CCF File
Added by Jason Maguire | 2000 | 9,078 views
I hope everyone gets a kick out of the home page -- that's a picture of my wife and I. I have tried to make this easy to understand without too many extras.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Jason Winspear's CCF
Added by Jason Winspear | 2002 | 7,442 views
Special 'simplified' feature for my girlfriend with her section of remote. Full set of discrete power codes and jumps between functions. TV macros for both TiVo and OnDigital channels.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TSU2000 & RU940
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