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All Files - System Layout Files
Displaying entries 411 through 420, of 861 available.
Jerry Horta's RC9200 CCF
Added by Jerry Horta | 2004 | 7,591 views
Well this is my current CCF file. I have been working on it for months and am finally satisfied enough to upload it. Yes it can still be much fancier but this works very well for my wife and I. We have a DSS Tivo, DVD Changer, Big Screen, and a Projector with a Electric screen. Unfortunatly I have NOT created any thing new just used bits and pieces from everyone else. The one thing I did different is that I try to space out my buttons to minimize pushing the wrong one. I just hope this will give you all some ideas. Thank you all for your help and suggestions.
Designed for:
Marantz RC9200
Jerry's Pronto Configuration
Added by Jerry Dobson | 2000 | 5,847 views
Updated. This CCF is a little bit of everybody and some of my own.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Jim Doyle's Home Theater
Added by Jim Doyle | 2000 | 9,526 views
Complete CCF file customized for easy operation using macros and discrete codes. 200 disc CD changer operation with artist and disc title selection by names.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Jim Froumis' Pronto
Added by Jim Froumis | 2000 | 9,097 views
Includes mapping of all jog/shuttle controls for the VCR & DVD, separate record and still screens for the VCR, personally created set of Time-Warner SD channel logos, tabbed layouts where necessary and a lot more! I tried getting fancy with the graphics but ended up sticking with the clean & simple basics.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Jim Knotz's Home Theater
Added by Jim Knotz | 2001 | 7,758 views
The layout is for complete ease of us for my wife and family. I have borrowed the icons and buttons used in my CCF from other layouts deposited on this site... my thanks go to the people who provided them and a special thanks the Andrea, I used alot of her ideas! And, if you're an Oregon State Football Fan, look at my Home Directory!
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TSU2000 & RU940
Jim LaRue's Pronto Layout
Added by Jim LaRue | 2001 | 5,236 views
Activity-based ccf that generally uses minimal buttons for main screens (80/20 rule), additional screens for more complicated activities (e.g., programming jukebox). Uses modified RAV buttons for home screen. Contains discrete codes for most all except $@#@^&! Scientific Atlanta box (I just leave it on all the time now)& 6-channel input for receiver. Uses nudelist (only way to make jukebox useable!)
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Jim Leenan's Pronto
Added by Jim Leenan | 1999 | 9,597 views
Complete system CCF includes a simple and easy-to-use button arrangement, text channel links and more.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Jim's Home Theater CCF
Added by Jim Kenefick | 2001 | 14,183 views
Minimal graphics, lots of design. Full activity-based area, loads of functions on device main pages.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Jim's Original CCF Design
Added by Jim Hughes | 2001 | 10,695 views
New TV + new DVD = new ccf. I have added some new devices to my Linn + Loewe + Sony system and redid the ccf to remove the memory intensive bitmap backgrounds, the result is an easier to use CCF that uses less than 20% of the TS1000 memory. Pressing buttons on the home page brings up simplified transports or station lists. The original remotes are replicated in the device section.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Job Taylor's CCF File
Added by Job Taylor | 1999 | 9,582 views
This CCF uses the buttons from Mr. Tonks. Included are the new direcTV channel numbers for Sony DSS recievers. Most of the channels are included and are accessed via their icons. For stations that have east and west broadcasts, the east is the icon on the left.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
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