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In this section: Hundreds of black & white and full color CCF files complete with devices, codes, macros, buttons and bitmaps!
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Black & White Remotes - System Layout Files
Displaying entries 461 through 470, of 719 available.
Mike Woodhall's Easy Pronto
Added by Mike Woodhall | 2001 | 5,754 views
Used to control my system and make it user friendly for my wife. Most elements are borrowed from other CCF's including "Supernudelist" for two (slave and master) 300 disk CD changers.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TSU2000 & RU940
Frédéric Moreau's Custom CCF
Added by Frédéric Moreau | 2001 | 5,897 views
This system CCF is entirely original -- all buttons and animations were created by myself. The system even includes an animated help interface for device and macro groups. In the device section the user is always informed of where they are and can jump between panels and devices quite easily.
Designed for:
Marantz RC5000
Jim Knotz's Home Theater
Added by Jim Knotz | 2001 | 7,777 views
The layout is for complete ease of us for my wife and family. I have borrowed the icons and buttons used in my CCF from other layouts deposited on this site... my thanks go to the people who provided them and a special thanks the Andrea, I used alot of her ideas! And, if you're an Oregon State Football Fan, look at my Home Directory!
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TSU2000 & RU940
Jose Blanco's Pronto #5
Added by Jose Blanco | 2001 | 6,710 views
Complete home theater. This CCF has some newly created buttons (menu controls and Virtual 6.1). Thanks to all whose icons I used.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Greg Steele's CCF File
Added by Greg Steele | 2001 | 15,087 views
Fourth revision. Added a second TiVo (#1 on address 1, #2 on 2). Changed DVD layout to allow the first page to have all the main functions needed to play a disc and browse menus. Added a calibration screen to help with setting the contrast wheel. Adjusted all macros and device pages for the 2nd TiVo. Updated the A/V Switcher page. Added a few new cable channels to the Channel Surfing pages. Made all screens "Hidden" so access is only by the tab buttons. Pressing the brand name or model # on each device page returns you to the Device Menu page.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Keith Norris' Custom RC5000i
Added by Keith Norris | 2001 | 5,723 views
Since my last submission I have completely overhauled the remotes layout. After realizing that my CCF didn't work as well on the low contrast screen, I looked at a few CCFs on and decided to do away with most of the fancy graphics and keep the layout simple. I have been using this configuration for a few weeks and it seems to work quite well. I expect the remote will be an ongoing project and will continue to develop. To everyone who has contributed to the Remote Central CCF file gallery, thank you.
Designed for:
Marantz RC5000i
Raymond Ditchy's Pronto
Added by Raymond Ditchy | 2001 | 9,022 views
Complete System CCF file with the following devices.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Scott Triola's Custom Configuration
Added by Scott Triola | 2001 | 7,386 views
This CCF has been designed to be relatively simple and user friendly. Macros up front are optimized for other not familiar with the setup of my system. There are no unnecessary graphics and each device is limited to 3 screens for ease of scrolling.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Richard Griggs' UK Pronto
Added by Richard Griggs | 2001 | 10,821 views
Complete system file including UK channel icons using many buttons and graphics downloaded from this site.
Designed for:
Marantz RC5000
Graeme Turner's Nakamichi CCF
Added by Graeme Turner | 2001 | 8,683 views
A complete system CCF file including a number of Nakamichi devices.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
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