Philips Pronto Classic Family File Area
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In this section: Hundreds of black & white and full color CCF files complete with devices, codes, macros, buttons and bitmaps! Custom filter: For those with classic black and white LCD models, this section is our largest yet. (Remove)
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Black & White Remotes - System Layout Files Displaying entries 1 through 10, of 719 available.
Aaron Cicali's Custom CCF
Added by Aaron Cicali | 2000 | 7,408 views
This activity-based CCF has original graphics and includes a security panel which requires a 4-digit code for access (2419). There's also a "clean-up" button which turns off all unused components, depending on the current panel.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Aaron Guenther's Pronto CCF
Added by Aaron Guenther | 1999 | 8,609 views
Complete home theater setup with tabbed screens.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Aaron Hughart's Pronto Setup
Added by Aaron Hughart | 2001 | 9,445 views
This is an update. Changed DVD transport panel. Changed some labels, timing in macros, calendar panels, convergence grid panel layout. Added more Service menu buttons. Added ADDR menu panel. Also added a DVD index of favorite scenes for a few movies + AVIA as an example.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TSU2000 & RU940
Aaron Kutzner's Big Button CCF
Added by Aaron Kutzner | 2004 | 3,950 views
Custom high quality ultra high resolution config file for your most descriminating and blind clients. This configuration was actually created to the specifications of one of our clients who requested substancially bigger buttons. Appearance was apparently NOT an issue. Have you ever seen the telephones with the big ass buttons that you have to mash down with your palm? Think back to that and now take it to the next level. You can almost stand on these buttons. If size matters to you, look no further.
Aaron Macpherson's Custom CCF
Added by Aaron Macpherson | 2003 | 13,127 views
My CCF is leveraged off of Andrea Whitlock's configuration. I added a few custom icons and modified some others. A "SETUP" icon is used for devices to make it easy for someone to use my home theater.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Aasubo's LCARS Design
Added by Aasubo | 2003 | 12,933 views
This is the labour of the last month: a Star Trek LCARS-themed CCF. Thanks to all of the other Star Trek designers, which I borrowed most of the graphics from. Nevertheless some new things, as well as German TV logos. All panels are aliased to the macro section. Not everything is in English and some bugs may remain.
Adam Bursey's Pronto CCF
Added by Adam Bursey | 2001 | 12,567 views
All new and all original design. I've added several new components.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Adam Gregorich's CCF File
Added by Adam Gregorich | 2000 | 11,809 views
My CCF is a mixture of everything on this forum (I have stolen freely!). All devices use the same tabbed menus and discrete on/off functions. There is a spot in the CCF for all your CDs to be entered. This list acts as a one touch to play that CD.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Adriaan van Nijendaal's System
Added by Adriaan van Nijendaal | 2004 | 16,399 views
This is a system CCF that I've used for a long time. Most bugs were corrected over time. This CCF is activity-oriented. The Pronto will ask you were you are (bedroom, living room) and then it will let you choose what you'd like to do. I have used discrete codes wherever I could. My Pronto does not play music, has no graphics. In fact, the screens are all legible even when the contrast setting is way off. I have no fancy buttons, just simple, functional, large rectangles that allow for a lot of text. The language used is Dutch, but that should be easy to fix. If you're having trouble finding the translations for your favorite language (on babelfish?), drop me a line. To facilitiate easy editing, I have put all IR codes in (hidden) screens, which are then accessed by aliases. This improves maintainability of the CCF greatly. This CCF should make a great source to rip IR codes for your particular device!
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
Adrian's Custom Pronto
Added by adrian ballard | 2000 | 10,992 views
This CCF took forever. All graphics are original or modifed (thanks Darnitol). Includes every discrete code I could find that would work with these components as well as X-10 commands. Also includes a "midnight mode" macro for the DSP-A1 that works flawlessly. Uses both hidden and public panel options for navigation.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000 & RU890
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