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In this section: These systems employ completely original artwork for a truly unique remote control layout.
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Original Design Systems Displaying entries 11 through 20, of 22 available.
Contest Entry #07: Aura
Added by Noel Blackman | 2007 | 4,018 views
THIRD PLACE WINNER! Aura is a very flexible design that can be used for personal projects as well as professional programmer’s clients. You can create any background you like to customize the template or choose one of ten different colored backgrounds I made especially for this design. There are extra pre-made pages for Blu-ray, HD-DVD, QWERTY keyboard, plus an alternative to the Lutron page for lighting control for those who like to use the IR codes. Adding buttons or creating new devices is very easy, there are eight pages of different size, dual state buttons and extra device icons which are pre-arranged that you can simply copy and paste into the correct position for a newly created activity. This design uses as much of the page as possible while minimizing the negative space between buttons and the need for multiple pages.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9600
Contest Entry #08: Black Magic
Added by David Beck | 2007 | 3,480 views
I really love the sleek design of the new Pronto TSU9600 and wanted to come up with a configuration file that complements its clean, edgy look, but is straightforward and easy to navigate. In the design, I have tried to simulate commonplace yet modern materials and textures and use them in an otherworldly context. A sense of space and motion add to the realism that I wanted to achieve in the file, but more importantly, I hope your imagination is fired by what I’ve come up with. My planned future addition of .wav files will hopefully heighten the sense of “unreal reality”. Apart from the .wav files the file isn’t fully realized (focus on the Cinema and Audio options when you’re testing it out...). I’ll be working hard to get the configuration finished, but in the meantime, I hope you’ll give Black Magic a go on your simulator (or the real thing if you’re lucky enough to already have one...) and enjoy the direction I'm heading!
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9600
Contest Entry #09: Feeling Patriotic
Added by Peter Fullerton | 2007 | 2,775 views
What makes my design unique: - Designed for visual interest as well as visual simplicity and consistency.
- Designed for a minimal amount of screen changes when in use (e.g. network channels as punch throughs, cable channels and redirection to transport buttons all appear on the same screen; the page up and down button has been converted to cable channel up and down to facilitate these “multi-use screens”).
- Whilst the device is designed for US users in the first instance, baseplate masters (each with national flag and corresponding local networks) have been created for 25 other countries and can be used to change over the system page elements and network punch-throughs - Argentina, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. Each element on the alternative masters is readily movable/removable.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9600
Contest Entry #10: RGBCYM Everything
Added by Kevin Brehm | 2007 | 3,240 views
This is the highly anticipated and much talked about “RGBCYM Everything” remote template that everyone has been waiting for. ;-) This template file is large because it is filled with over 1900 buttons! The buttons are set in six different colors, three different sizes, and two different shapes. These buttons have been created using “Crystal Button”. If anyone would like the “Crystal Button” templates for these buttons, download the file and get my Email address from the “INFO” page. This remote template has been designed with speed of programming in mind. You do not need an image editor to change backgrounds or button images. While other remote layouts may look fancy, they may also take a long time to customize when your customer wants to add just one more piece of equipment. The buttons are organized so that you can either copy/paste or ctrl/drag the button to the page you are designing. Since there are three button sizes, you can scale the button to match the needs of the page. Color coding of the buttons is an essential element to a well designed touchscreen. With this template, a visually pleasing color schemes is easy to layout so that task groups within the page can be... (more)
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9600
Contest Entry #11: Alpha King Brew
Added by Carlton Bale | 2007 | 4,986 views
The name is derived from one of my favorite beers, Three Floyds Alpha King Pale Ale. The design makes heavy use of Alpha channel transparency, allowing every button and panel to take on the color and texture of the main background image. This allows a user to completely change the look and feel simply by changing one background graphic – zero button modifications required. The idea is to have quick and simple modification without having to redesign every single graphic. Included are multiple button designs (flat and rounded) in a large array of sizes and shapes. Shadow effects make the buttons appear to float above the panel; the buttons appear to sink when depressed. The Alpha King Brew design also shows “the art of the possible” for the Pronto Pro should Philips decide to expand the feature set. This design includes mock-ups for potential features, such as 2-way control of Windows Media Center (with Cover Art download) and Sonos (through uPnP) as well as the ability to read RSS News Feeds from any Internet source. Also included is a mock-up of a PC application that parses Internet Movie Database results and sends them to the Pronto Pro (assuming that Philips releases 2-way communication protocols to third party developers.)
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9600
Contest Entry #12: Caribbean Map
Added by Jim Patton | 2007 | 3,060 views
FOURTH RUNNER UP! This .XCF is designed to be a file that would be delivered to an end user. It is all activity based with only the buttons and functions available that are required for using the system. It controls a simple 2 zone audio system and is an actual working file. All control of the video display is performed by macros, there is no need for a receiver or TV control page as their functions are accessed by punch through commands or the macros themselves. All items not considered critical to the daily use of the system have been hidden. It uses the serial extender and is operating both the Lutron Radio Ra system and an Escient fireball. The Escient unit is duplicated in order to allow operation in 2 different zones with different macros and volume codes for each zone. When in the Fireball interface, pressing menu takes you to a page using the standard video interface and IR commands for advanced functions such as recording, random play modes, setup, options and more as those functions are not available in the pre written interface. All power is switched on using the activity macros. The power button on the remote accesses a power page... (more)
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9600
Frank Lindner's TSU9400
Added by Frank Lindner | 2009 | 14,751 views
Here is my first vision of the Philips Pronto TSU9400 remote control. The design is a combination of elements from the original Pronto Database and buttons/backgrounds created by myself. I hope you like it.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9400
Simplify Contest Entry Update
Added by Noel Blackman | 2008 | 3,448 views
An update to my Pronto Professional contest entry with changes made to the buttons transparency so they work correctly. The buttons worked perfect in the emulator, but not on the actual remote as 100% transparent areas are ignored. This caused 10% of the buttons in Simplify to not respond. All have been fixed and tested to work perfectly. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9600
Stef's EFE
Added by Stefan Fuerst | 2008 | 12,271 views
EFE - "easy for everyone". After downloading to your 9400 press "start", lay back and enjoy all the macros. Use the home key to reach the main page of selected device, press the arrow key to get to the macros for this device. With the small direct keys on the top of most pages you jump to other devices without using the macro. Pressing the book key (looks like two opened pages) you'll reach the amp if you want to select a source manually. From the amp page you reach the home page with the 5th hardkey (house symbol). All the buttons will remind you a little bit of the iPhone. They are designed with PaintShopPro and optimized for best readability and nice optics in crystal style. Each Device has its typical colour for best clarity. Hope you like it, its made with German Gruendlichkeit ;-)
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9400
Stefan's Home Theater v9.5
Added by Stefan Wetzlich | 2010 | 12,806 views
Here is my German system layout. It's complex, and has been through numerous revisions. All PNG images used in the system are included in a separate archive.
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9400
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