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Gary Hamilton's TSU7500 PCF
Complete System Layout File
Added by Gary Hamilton | 2006
This time I was inspired by fellow Remote Central Pronto NG community member Lowpro and (in particular) by the way his movie library page functions. I eventually decided to convert my whole PCF to operate in this same manner because it allows me to have all 17 activities and control of my theatre readily at hand without making buttons or text too small. At over 700 PAGES and 300 DEVICES, this design is still simple to use and comes in under 7 megs and 69% free memory! The cosmetics reflect a snazzy PDA / Cell Phone. All of the artwork in the PCF is mine except for a couple of buttons borrowed from Daniel Tonks. PCF includes: complete control of 17 theatre activities; really cool (I think) customized loading pages for each activity; a DVD Library of 500 films (and growing); extensive interactive help screens; cable logo access buttons for Dallas area; an easy to use device teaching menu; X10 lighting control with active graphic of my theatre room and a slideshow area of theatre pictures and family photos. Special thanks and recognition to Lowpro, Lyndel McGee, and the great software upgrades from the Pronto Team. Needless to say, I would never have attempted this without the new shortcuts plus drag and drop provided in the new Pronto Edit software. As Lowpro says, "Enjoy"!

Download attachments:
January 19, 2006
6.81mb, 123 downloads
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