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IR Code Generator
User-Written Utilities & Documents
Added by Paul Friedlander | 2004
I threw this utility together to generate Pronto codes from the IR codes that Denon publishes on their website. I suspect that it will work with any Sharp coding, although I haven't tried it. There are codes in the Denon docs that aren't available on the remote, so this opens up some new options. To use it, enter the bit stream into the 4 input boxes. They are (from left to right) System Address (C1-C5), Data (c6-C11), Extension(C12, C13), and Data Construction (C14, C15), as described in the Denon documents. Then click Calculate (or press the enter key). The Pronto code will be shown in the lower window. It is also automatically copied to the clipboard so you can quickly paste it into the Pronto editor. Note: you should always set C15, and C15 to '00'.

Important: This program requires the Microsoft .NET framework to operate!

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All Philips Pronto NG Models
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April 25, 2004
6kb, 1,076 downloads
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