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Philips Pronto Classic Family File Area
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Pioneer DVL-700 DVD/LD Player
Device Configuration File (part of a larger System Layout)
Added by Bill Christian | 2000
400 disc changer.

Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.

See the system's description for further details.

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August 23, 2000
19kb, 99 downloads
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This file is part of the following system layout...
Bill Christian's Pronto
This is the way an Architect lays out a ccf - with a floor plan and modular furniture! I set up a grid of 10 bits each way, then designed the buttons to fit it on all sides. My goal is clarity so buttons are mostly white-on-black boxes for readability. I am indebted to Andrea for the logos which fit my rigid floor plan just fine. Comments appreciated.
Components in this system:
JVC HR-S3600U (LP20465-015)
400 disc changer.
DVD/LD Player:
Pioneer DVL-700
400 disc changer.
Pioneer SD-P5043
400 disc changer.
DSS Receiver:
400 disc changer.
CD Changer:
Sony CDP-CX400 (RM-DX400)
400 disc changer.
DVD Player:
Sony DVP-S560D (RMT-D117A)
400 disc changer.
Yamaha DSP-A1 (RAV160)
Tape Deck:
Yamaha KX-382
400 disc changer.
Yamaha TX-950
400 disc changer.

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