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Marantz SR-18 Receiver
Device Configuration File (part of a larger System Layout)
Added by Bob Hicks | 2000
Operated by model RC-18SR original remote control.
Commands for this device are available as part of a system layout file.

See the system's description for further details.

Download attachments:
September 1, 2000
111kb, 104 downloads
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This file is part of the following system layout...
Bob Hicks' Entertainment CCF
I spent nearly 200 hours developing what I consider an extremely intuitive Pronto interface. Nearly every button on every screen "macros" you through switching inputs and guides you to the next most logical Pronto screen (rather than searching for what to do next). I've utilized a whole boatload of movie & entertainment scans and caricatures!
Components in this system:
DSS Receiver:
Dish Network Echostar 370
Marantz SR-18 (RC-18SR)
Pioneer Generic
DVD Jukebox:
Sony DVP-CX850D (RMT-D113A)
MiniDisc Deck:
Sony MDS-JE320
Sony SLV-N60

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